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Undergraduate Minor in G&SS

Transforming Perspectives, Empowering Change


Through the Gender and Sexuality Studies minor, students not only enhance their academic expertise but also cultivate their passion for creating a just and inclusive society. It is an invaluable opportunity to grow intellectually, personally, and professionally, positioning them as agents of positive change in their workplaces, communities, and beyond.

The Gender & Sexuality Studies minor offers learners the opportunity to integrate transformative knowledge and practices into their education plan by pursuing foundational courses in the degree alongside those that align with their learning goals. This inter- and transdisciplinary minor fosters critical thinking, creativity, and a deep engagement with feminist, queer, and socially transformative theories. With a focus on social justice and anti-oppressive pedagogy, the minor explores the complexities of gender, gender identity and expression, sexuality, and intersecting identities within US and transnational contexts.

Students in the minor develop a valuable skill set that is applicable to various career paths. By critically analyzing societal norms, power structures, and oppressive systems that bear upon gender and sexuality, students refine their ability to evaluate and challenge prevailing assumptions. Through an intersectional lens, they gain an understanding of the interconnectedness of gender, race, class, nation, and sexuality, unveiling the multifaceted dimensions of social identities and the impact of various forms of oppression. These processes strengthen critical thinking skills, empowering students with the critical tools and insights to drive meaningful transformation.

"What started as a whim - adding a minor in Gender and Sexuality Studies - swiftly became a powerful stepping stone in my academic journey, opening up a wealth of opportunities for self-development and meaningful recognition. I was already dissecting the intricate fabric of masculinity's social and cultural constructs while others in my major were just getting acquainted with Kimberlé Crenshaw's intersectionality. This 'minor' choice became a significant turning point, accelerating my academic growth and paving the way for professional acknowledgment, far surpassing all my expectations."

-Casey L Combs

NMSU G&SS Alum (Minor '23)

Within the minor, learners can participate in the Media Arts and Cultural Studies (MACS) course concentration, where they explore the role of media, art, film, graphic narratives, and popular culture in shaping and being shaped by social perceptions of gender, sexuality, and difference. MACS fosters a transformative fusion of critical inquiry, research-creation, and do-it-yourself (DIY) methods, enabling students to disrupt conventional narratives and construct their own perspectives through project-based learning.

Taking a transnational and hemispheric approach, the curriculum prompts students to traverse intellectual and geographical borders, examining the intricate interplay of gender, gender identity and expression, and sexuality across global contexts. By embracing a range of experiences and perspectives, students critically engage with the complexities of gender and sexuality, fostering a nuanced understanding of the interconnectedness of our world.

Through their studies, students develop a profound understanding of gender and sexuality, equipping themselves with the knowledge and skills to advocate for positive social change. They become drivers of transformation in the fields they enter, such as social work, policy analysis, research, education, cultural criticism, creative expression, and community development. By amplifying the voices and experiences of marginalized groups, including women, queer individuals, transgender individuals, and others, students actively contribute to fostering a more inclusive society. The Gender & Sexuality Studies minor empowers students to challenge inequality, dismantle systemic barriers, and cultivate inclusivity within workplaces, communities, and beyond.



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G&SS: Transforming Minors into Major Pathways

Incorporating Gender & Sexuality Studies into Humanities, Creative and Performing Arts, Social Sciences, and STEM Disciplines: A Catalyst for Intersectional Insights and Transformative Learning


Incorporating a minor in Gender & Sexuality Studies at New Mexico State University, through its inter- and transdisciplinary approaches and transformative insights, provides a robust framework for students across disciplines to better understand and address multifaceted issues. This enriches their academic depth, enhances creative insights, and instills social responsibility, equipping them to navigate and overcome biases and limitations. This education fosters a culture of diversity, inclusivity, and innovation, providing a strong foundation for future careers and continued advocacy in their respective fields.


Humanities, Creative and Performing Arts Majors: Inspiring Intersectional Insights

For students pursuing majors in English, Art, the Creative Media Institute, Creative Writing, Theatre, Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, a G&SS minor is a catalyst for transformative growth. These disciplines, centered around identity, representation, craft, societal structures, and culture, share a profound connection with Gender & Sexuality Studies. Our range of G&SS courses delves into these as critical issues, while our Media Art, and Cultural Studies (MACS) concentration offers an opportunity to explore the intersections of gender, sexuality, contemporary digital and material media arts, and popular culture. Explore this minor to enrich your academic toolkit and broaden your creative perspectives.

Social Sciences: Enriching Inquiry through Gender & Sexuality Studies

For New Mexico State University students majoring in Sociology, Psychology, Anthropology, Political Science, and related social science fields, a minor in Gender & Sexuality Studies (G&SS) offers a distinctive lens to explore human behavior, identity, and societal structures. G&SS enhances your understanding by uncovering the intricate interplay of gender, sexuality, and intersectionality.

G&SS goes beyond disciplinary boundaries, providing unique perspectives and methodologies. G&SS embraces feminist, queer, trans, and other socially transformative knowledge and approaches to learning. Integrating G&SS into your academic journey, you gain insights into the agency and perspectives of diverse communities, marginalized populations, and underrepresented voices. You develop a deeper appreciation for the impact of gender and sexuality on social structures and the lived experiences of individuals.

G&SS is an academic discipline committed to transformative learning and inquiry. Social science students in G&SS gain a distinct advantage by engaging in inter- and transdisciplinary approaches that extend beyond the confines of their major disciplines. What distinguishes G&SS from other fields is its dynamic learning environment, characterized by innovative teaching methods and transformative practices. Central to the discipline is its deep connection to social movements and the lived experiences of marginalized communities. G&SS emerged from these movements, grounding its teachings in the lived realities and struggles of diverse individuals and communities.

STEM Disciplines: Embracing Interdisciplinary Connections

Students at New Mexico State University enrolled in Astronomy, Mathematics, Engineering, Physics, Biology, Neuroscience, and Environmental Science majors have an exceptional opportunity to broaden their academic horizons by complementing their curriculum with a minor in Gender & Sexuality Studies (G&SS). This inter- and transdisciplinary approach not only enhances scientific acumen but also deepens understanding of societal dynamics, fostering a sense of social responsibility within scientific pursuits.

Incorporating G&SS into STEM disciplines offers a multifaceted platform to examine and appreciate the confluence of gender, sexuality, other social identities, and science. This minor encourages a holistic exploration of how these elements intersect and influence research methodologies, scientific theories, and technological advancements. For example, recognizing the influence of diverse cultural backgrounds, including those from the LGBTQ+ community, in disciplines such as Astronomy, can lead to a more comprehensive and inclusive understanding of the universe. Similarly, contemplating the societal implications of Engineering decisions contributes to more empathetic and inclusive design. In Environmental Science, recognizing the invaluable ecological knowledge of indigenous populations worldwide enhances our approach to biodiversity conservation and sustainability.

For people of color, women, and LGBTQIA+ individuals in STEM, adding a minor in Gender & Sexuality Studies fosters a robust understanding of the socio-cultural intricacies of gender and sexuality. This knowledge equips them to address and navigate biases within their fields, amplifying their capacity to foster inclusivity. Moreover, it empowers them to advocate for equality, ultimately enriching their scientific endeavors with a comprehensive perspective that promotes diversity, inclusivity, and innovation in STEM.

Degree Requirements for Minor

A minor in Gender & Sexuality Studies consists of 18 credit hours of approved course work in Gender & Sexuality Studies of which at least 12 are upper division (300 level or above).  Note: A student may not earn a bachelor’s degree in Gender & Sexuality Studies and also earn a minor in Gender & Sexuality Studies.

Prefix Title Credits
Required Core Courses  
GNDR 2110G Introduction to Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies 3
or GNDR 2120G Representing Women Across Cultures
Select one from the following: 3
GNDR 471
Seminar in Feminist & Queer Theories 3
GNDR 402
Transnational Feminisms 3
GNDR 455
Feminist Research Methodologies 3
GNDR 465
Sex, Gender and the Body 3
Select 12 credits from the following: 12
GNDR 360
Masculinities Studies 3
GNDR 371
Intro LGBTQ+ Studies 3
GNDR 401
Women & Immigration 3
GNDR 403
Gender & Horror 3
GNDR 405
Alternative Genders and Sexualities 3
GNDR 407
Gender and Graphic Narrative 3
GNDR 408 Feminist Food Studies 3
GNDR 411
Gender and Migration 3
GNDR 412
Gender and Film Studies 3
GNDR 450
Special Topics 3
GNDR 451
Gender & Sexuality Studies Practicum 3
GNDR 454
Women Crossing Borders 3
GNDR 482
Gender and Popular Culture 3
Total Credits 18



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