Expanding Perspectives, Transforming Futures

Beyond Boundaries: Explore, Understand, and Innovate with a Double Major in Gender & Sexuality Studies

Pursuing a second major in Gender and Sexuality Studies at New Mexico State University is an investment in your future that offers a unique blend of personal, academic, and professional growth.

As our world becomes more interconnected and diverse, understanding the complexities of gender and sexuality is essential for anyone aspiring to lead, innovate, and make a difference. This dynamic and interdisciplinary field extends your learning, equipping you with a specialized focus that sets you apart in academia, in your future career, and in your ongoing advocacy for equality.

  1. Specialized Focus and Extended Expertise: Pursuing Gender and Sexuality Studies as a second major extends your learning beyond your primary field, providing a specialized focus that sets you apart. This nuanced understanding of complex societal issues, intersecting with other aspects of identity and social structures, allows you to bring unique, informed perspectives to any academic or professional environment, enhancing your ability to contribute meaningful insights and drive innovation in your chosen field.

  2. Graduate School Preparedness: This major cultivates strong analytical, research, and writing skills that are prized in graduate studies across disciplines. The ability to critically examine societal constructs and power relations provides a unique lens that can enhance any advanced degree program.

  3. Career Enhancement and Diversification: Employers across sectors value the cultural competency, understanding of diversity, and critical analysis skills that a degree in Gender and Sexuality Studies fosters. This knowledge base can provide a competitive edge in various fields.

  4. Interdisciplinary Approach: The interdisciplinary nature of Gender and Sexuality Studies complements a variety of majors, enriching your understanding of your primary field. This breadth and depth of knowledge can offer valuable perspectives in various professional and academic environments.

  5. Informed Research and Decision-Making: Insights gained from this field can inform your research methodologies and contribute to more informed and inclusive decision-making processes, be they in academic, professional, or policy-making contexts.

  6. Advocacy and Social Impact: A grounding in Gender and Sexuality Studies equips you with the knowledge and skills necessary to contribute meaningfully to advocacy work. You'll be well prepared to follow through on policies and practices that promote equality and respect for all individuals.

  7. Exposure to Feminist, Queer, and Transgender Pedagogy and Methods: Engaging with these inclusive and transformative academic methods provides innovative perspectives on knowledge creation and dissemination, and equips you with tools to challenge and reshape traditional academic and professional structures.

  8. Leadership in Inclusive Practices: Understanding issues related to gender and sexuality prepares you to promote and lead inclusivity initiatives in future career roles. As workplaces increasingly prioritize diversity and inclusion, such expertise is highly valued.

Taking on Gender and Sexuality Studies as a second major positions you as a valuable asset in your future endeavors, broadening your academic horizons and preparing you for a successful career, meaningful advocacy, and enriched scholarly pursuits.

"As a former multiple major and current Ph.D. candidate, I found my academic home in Gender and Sexuality Studies (G&SS). G&SS provided me with the knowledge, care, and support essential to my academic journey. As a queer woman of color, my unique perspective was valued, enabling me to pursue higher education and contribute to the histories of transborder women. G&SS professors fostered spaces of support and safety, preparing me for the challenges I faced. For over three decades, G&SS has provided a strong foundation and formed pivotal networks of support, catapulting the next generation of scholars."

   -Diana López, G&SS Alum, Ph.D. student in History

Popular Double Majors: Empowering Perspectives with Gender & Sexuality Studies

Humanities, Creative and Performing Arts Majors, and G&SS Double Major

For students at New Mexico State University engaged in fields such as English, Art, the Creative Media Institute, Creative Writing, Theatre, Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, a second major in Gender & Sexuality Studies can be an invaluable complement. These disciplines, exploring identity, representation, societal structures, and culture, share a profound connection with Gender & Sexuality Studies. In addition to our robust offering of Gender & Sexuality Studies courses designed to deepen your understanding of these issues, we also offer a Media, Art, and Cultural Studies (MACS) course concentration. This concentration allows for a focused exploration of the intersections between gender, sexuality, media, and culture, further enhancing your academic and professional toolkit.

Social Sciences, Sciences, and G&SS Double Major

Gender & Sexuality Studies (G&SS) is uniquely positioned to enrich your primary major, whether it lies in the social sciences, such as Sociology, Psychology, Anthropology, Political Science, or Social Work, or within the realms of the sciences. These disciplines investigate human behavior, identity, societal structures, and natural phenomena, where G&SS brings an additional dimension, delving into the intricate intersections of gender, sexuality, and identity.

As for the sciences, including fields like Biology, Neuroscience, or Environmental Science, questions of gender and sexuality can inform research methods, data interpretation, and the application of findings. For instance, how does the understanding of gender influence biomedical research? How does it shape our interactions with the environment? By combining G&SS with Social Work, other social sciences, or the sciences, you invite a broader, richer perspective that goes beyond traditional disciplinary boundaries. This facilitates a more holistic, nuanced approach to your academic and professional endeavors, amplifying the positive impact you can make in your chosen field.

Law, Government, Justice, and G&SS Double Major

For those students with an eye towards a future in law, government, or the justice system, a second major in Gender & Sexuality Studies (G&SS) can provide a distinct advantage. These fields, deeply rooted in understanding and shaping societal structures, benefit enormously from the nuanced perspectives and critical thinking skills developed through G&SS. By studying the intricate dynamics of gender, sexuality, and identity, you will gain a deeper understanding of how these factors intersect with law, policy-making, and justice.

In a legal context, G&SS can help inform your understanding of issues such as civil rights, family law, employment law, or international human rights, as you examine the role of gender and sexuality within these areas. For those with governmental aspirations, the study of G&SS can foster a more inclusive and comprehensive approach to policy-making, one that accounts for the diverse needs and experiences of the population. And in the justice system, insights from G&SS can help shape more equitable practices and promote understanding of how gender and sexuality can influence experiences within this system.

By choosing G&SS as a second major, you not only broaden your academic perspective, but also equip yourself with a nuanced understanding that can contribute to a more inclusive, equitable, and just society. This interdisciplinary approach ensures you stand out in your field, poised to make significant contributions to your chosen career and beyond.