
If you do know or are unsure of a person’s pronoun, ask them.  Let's normalize asking and apologizing when mistakes are made. Be committed to acknowledging the person as who they are and learning about their experiences and perspectives. Moreover, the use of gender-inclusive/ non-sexist language is important because it includes everyone.  

She/her/hers and he/him/his are commonly used gendered pronouns. They/them/their are gender neutral pronouns commonly used along with a few others.

Please refer to the table below for common personal pronouns and how they might be used.  

When pronouns are:             Use them this way:  

She/Her/Hers  She finished the exam. The best group project was hers. I support her in the classroom by honoring her pronouns.  
He/Him/His  He finished the paper. His paper was well written. I support  him in the classroom by honoring his pronouns.  
They/Them/Their   They are an active member of the class. Their performance  on the exam was excellent. I support them in the classroom by honoring their pronouns.  
Ze/Zir/Zirs Ze is a leader in meeting deadlines. Zir contributions to Canvas discussions are important. I support zir in the classroom by honoring zirs pronouns.  

*Some individuals prefer to be called only by their name and not by any pronouns.*  

Preferred First Name  

NMSU provides students, staff, and faculty the opportunity to indicate their preferred first name that will be used in place of an individual’s legal first name on unofficial documents, including email display name, Canvas display name, student IDs, phonebook entry, and name on class rosters. To update your preferred first name, log in at http://my.nmsu.edu and click on the PERSONAL INFORMATION link. After the submenu opens, click on “more.” Once the new window opens, click on “Update Preferred First Name.”   

G&SS, through the support of the Office of the Dean of Arts and Sciences, lead the effort to install two All Gender Restrooms in Breland Hall (Room 113, in east wing and room 211, in east wing).

NMSU LGBT+Programs is committedto meet the needs of LGBT+ people and to welcome and encourage the expression and success of all NMSU students. They provide advocacy, resources, education, and programming for students, faculty, and staff. LGBT+ Programs is a leader on campus for making positive changes, like brining Preferred First Name, All Gender Restrooms, and more to NMSU. They are also available by email: lgbt@nmsu.edu