Transformative Education for Lifelong Success


G&SS and FBA at NMSU: Student Retention, Interdisciplinary Research, Lifelong Engagement


“I have come to believe that one of the most significant limitations to the extensive research that has been done regarding student retention (Tino, Reichert-Powell) is that researchers often fail to ask students important questions as to why they stay at their universities to complete degrees. Had it not been for the relationships I built with professors and peers in Gender & Sexuality Studies, I likely would not have completed a BA, much less the Ph.D. that I celebrate today.”
        -Karen Tellez-Trujillo, PhD (she/her/ella), Assistant Professor, English & Modern Languages, Cal Poly            Pomona

We often hear about academics and research when we talk about university life, but let's not forget the human element—the relationships, the spaces, and the communities that truly make a university a home for its students.


This is where the degree program in Gender & Sexuality Studies (G&SS) and Feminist Border Arts (FBA) step in at New Mexico State University (NMSU). It's not just about degrees or citations; it's about creating a living, breathing ecosystem of learning that combines challenging academic pursuits with empowering social contexts. G&SS and FBA aren't just preparing you for a career or a certain kind of practice; they’re equipping you to be transformative leaders and advocates.


A Diverse Curriculum That Reflects World Ready Learning

G&SS offers an interdisciplinary scope covering film & media, transborder issues, feminist, queer, and trans theories, cultural studies, and much more. Engage in innovative, practice-based research through the Feminist Border Arts film festival, zines, and digital media projects. These experiences are not just extracurriculars; they are unique ways of understanding the world and yourself, helping you stay invested in your academic journey.


Beyond the Classroom with FBA

FBA isn't just a theoretical endeavor; it's an arm of G&SS that extends into the real world. From curating the Feminist Border Arts Film Festival to producing the SJZ: Social Justice Zine, FBA allows you to engage in practice-based methods. You're not just a learner; you're a creator, a thinker, and an activist.


Building Relationships

Remember, academia isn't just about you and the books; it's about you and the people. G&SS and FBA offer platforms for forming lasting relationships—between students, and between students and faculty. Just ask Dr. Karen Tellez-Trujillo, whose life was transformed by these very connections. She now takes this approach and uses it as praxis in her own work as a professor.


Retention: More Than Just Numbers

Think of G&SS and FBA as lifelines that keep students anchored to their academic journey at NMSU. When we talk about student retention, it’s not just about keeping you enrolled—it’s about enriching your educational experience in meaningful ways that inspire you to see it through to the end.


If you’re looking for reasons to stay the course and complete your degree, these programs offer more than just credits. They offer a sense of purpose, a community that believes in you, and creative ways to engage with complex issues. You’re not just a student here—you’re a part of a movement. 


So, are you ready to join a program that's more than just a line on your resume? Come, find your academic lifeline with G&SS and FBA at NMSU.


A promo for G&SS Macs featuring a quote by Grace Lee Bogs and a child holding hands with an adult. Stylized in red.
Grace Lee Boggs Quote